Thursday, September 10, 2009

Creepy or Liar

Recently I commented on other comments made on Facebook by a former political contender. The contender had referred to Vice President Biden as “creepy”. My response:
“Contending does not necessarily involve being contentious; but it involves avoiding compromise, standing forth for what we believe without welching at any particular moment. Now Mr. Biden may not be my favorite VP but calling him “creepy”. Higher ground man, higher ground.”

Interesting at this very same time frame the national media was also referring to a sex offender as “creepy Phil”.

During this Facebook episode another commenter went on to defend “creepy” and minimize “civility”.

Last evening during the President’s speech a Legislator broke decorum or civility with an outburst that in essence called the President a liar. No excuse for this and no excuse for any name calling particularly by those of us who call Jesus Christ our Lord,

Name calling appears to be very fashionable; it must be unfashionable for Christians. I believe we must contend on issues, whether it is our faith or politics, but not be insulting.

“We are called upon by the Lord to contend earnestly for the faith (Jude 3). That does not necessarily involve being contentious; but it involves avoiding compromise, standing forth for what we believe, stand­ing forth for the truth of God—without welching at any particular moment.”
Roger Nicole

Forgive me Father where I sin!

Milt Carpenter

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen Milt, I am very glad to see you write this.

The SC Representative was very much out of line. But, of course, not surprisingly, the man is also a Christian.

The political vitriol currently coming from the right is so far beyond the pale, I'm not surprised that something like this eventually occurred in the capitol. And for many of those in the heartland, they probably echo his sentiments.

Why do we need to be told to be civil? Because our talk radio shows and talking heads have shown us for so long that it's more successful not to be.