Monday, December 22, 2008

Strategies for Living in an Uncertain Economy

I was recently told about a new book, Mixing God with Money: Strategies for Living in an Uncertain Economy by Dennis Tongoi of Kenya. He serves on the board of Disciple Nations Alliance. As a native of a country which has seen more than its share of economic struggles, Tongoi brings a unique perspective. Here's an excerpt that caught my attention:

Principle One: Greed is Manifested by Haste. Faith Results in Patience.
Perhaps, like me, you are sometimes not willing to wait. Whenever I need to make any financial decisions, I am learning to apply the wait test. I know that my heart is predisposed to greed. . .Faith is patient. Whenever I see haste, I know that it is not of God. Waiting allows God to intervene and confirm. The bigger the decision, the more important this principle is
(pages 30-31).
With a couple of large decisions looming for me personally, these few short sentences were literally a Godsend. My decisions are not exclusively financial, but they do involve expenses if depending on what decisions are made. Please pray that I have the patience to wait, to allow God to be God, and to allow Him to intervene when and where He sees fit.

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