Since 1981 I have been most interested in and have studied the topic of “church drop out” or church quitters. A recent book by Julia Duin, Quitting Church, (recommended by Albert Mohler) has provided more interesting insights for me and still leaves the questions, “Why do they drop out or quit?, Where do the drop outs go?, What do they do?, Was there follow-up by the churches as to why they dropped out?, and Was any attempt made to recover these drop outs?” (I do not use the terms “drop out or quitters” irreverently, these folks are brothers ands sisters in the Lord.)
We have heard of the “traditional, seeker friendly, emergent and missional churches”. Well, from these groups and others we have the drop outs or quitters called the “house-church”.
House-churches usually meet on Sunday or Wednesday and for at least two hours. What might happen in a house-church?
93 percent have spoken prayer during their meetings
90 percent read from the Bible
89 percent spend time serving people outside of their group.
87 percent devote time to sharing personal needs or experiences. 8
85 percent spend time eating and talking before or after the meeting. .
83 percent discuss the teaching provided
76 percent have a formal teaching time.
70 percent incorporate music or singing
58 percent have a prophecy or special word delivered.
52 percent take an offering from a participant that is given to ministries.
51 percent share communion.
41 percent watch a video presentation as part of the learning experience
The average size of these groups is twenty people; 64 percent include children and there is an average of seven children under the age of eighteen involved. (p.62)
Some observation:
These are folks that claim to be born-again Christians
Some of these folks are attending regular church as “spiritual compliant”.
These folks are opened to be noticed as ‘quitters’ by not hiding in another formalized congregation.
George Barna hosts a house-church and says, “We are loving it.”
64 percent of the participants are “completely satisfied “with the teaching, leadership, and community of their group, as compared to regular church. (pp. 58-62)
What brought these folks to this decision and this place? Have you ever asked a person who has left your church, why? I have and you really get some interesting responses. If you did ask them about the journey away, did you ask them to return?
As a whole, churches do not seek after the lost sheep. I think it is very painful for those staying to ask those leaving, why? Why bother to ask when someone will soon take their place and yes they could be quitters. Now, how about asking them why they left their former congregation. In many cases these new comers want to reinvest in a new church and they no longer want to be helpless or hopeless. How would you meet the challenge?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Leaving for the house-church
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Brother, you say challenge as if it were a competition. You probably don't mean it in the way I'm understanding it, but it does sound that way. There is plenty for us to consider. Things like, the amount of non-christians in a traditional service (that are there by way of 'tradition') and I bring these up in the negative sense, the fact that so many churches have strayed from the Gospel and what it truly is, the lack of truly defined bible-believing churches that don't add to or take away. We all know that evil men will wax greater and greater, taking part in (and taking apart)the local Christ preaching churches. I say encourage teh bible believers in whatever ministry they partake in. Don't seek to bring them back. God may be preparing us for a future not too many think about.
Hello Chermone, good to har from you.
The challenge is to dare someone to do something. How about seeking to keep our brothers and sisters?
Blessings to you!!
Mái tóc đẹp luôn là niềm ao ước của nhiều chị em. luôn tìm cách để cho mình có được mái tóc đẹp như ý. Chính vì thế cho nên việc làm và tìm kieu toc dep nhat trong mỗi thời gian luôn được các chị em quan tâm đến. Việc làm và dưỡng tóc hiện nay nhiều phương pháp khác nhau như thẩm my, dầu gội, sử dụng tinh dầu thiên nhiên. Chính vì thế các dịch vụ spa, dưỡng tóc hình thành nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu ấy và tốt hơn hẳng ngày nay việc sử dụng tinh dầu thiên nhiên làm đẹp và dưỡng tóc ngày càng phổ biến cụ thể là ủ tóc bằng dầu dừa qua đêm sẽ cho bạn mái tóc khỏe mạnh nhanh chóng trong 1 tuần sử dụng. Không quá khó khăn cũng như công đoạn và cách thực hiện nhanh chóng có thể giúp bạn có mái tóc như ý. Và dầu dừa cũng là một trong nguyên liệu được áp dụng rộng rãi trong việc sử dụng cách làm cho tóc nhanh dài hiệu quả an toàn cho các chị em. Và sau khi bạn sở hữu được mái tóc dài chắc khỏe đen bóng thì việc còn lại bạn nên chọn lựa cho mình những kiểu tóc đẹp phù hợp với khuôn mặt và vóc dáng của mình và một trong những kiểu tóc luôn được các chị em phụ nữ chọn lựa cho mái tóc xoăn. Vậy các làm mái tóc xoăn như thế nào cúng chúng tôi tìm hiểu cách là̀m tóc xoăn tự nhiên đơn giản. Hy vọng vói thông tin chia sẻ trên bạn có thể chọn lựa cho mình cách dưỡng và làm đẹp tóc hiệu quả ngay tại nhà của mình nhé!
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