Friday, June 13, 2008

A Fresh Set Of Eyes and Fathers

A couple of days ago I was taking a much needed break from my three hour summer school class. I had one thing on my mind and that was that I needed to find something to drink. It was 108 and even though I am an Arizona native, I strongly believe must be properly hydrated during the summer months. After my search of what seemed like hours (which was more like seconds), I found a vending machine for bottles of water. However, I had to wait in line because there were two students in front of me. As I waited my turn in line they were discussing their plans for avoiding the heat this weekend. One student remarked, "I don't want to go to the Grand Canyon again, it's just a giant hole in the ground. "After they left I got my money out of my wallet and was still stunned of these words even as I headed back to my class.

As Christians, we have been given a new life because of the work of Christ on our behalf. It transforms everything that goes on in our lives. One of the ways it transforms us is we are able to see the purpose of creation and our fellow man. Everything in this life in one way or another points back to their Creator. The man who was known as one after God's own heart, wrote that the Heavens declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim the works of His Hands. We can see that the Grand Canyon is not a big hole in the ground but it is a testimony of the faithfulness of the Lord but also of His creativity through creation.

On Sunday we here in America will be celebrating for the 36th year, Father's day. What a great opportunity for honor and encouragement to the men of our lives, but also to express thankfulness and joy that God does not view us as slaves or servants. Because of the work of His son, we are seen as His children and He, our Father. Jesus told us that we when pray, or talk to Him, we start it out, Our Father. We have direct access to the God of the universe who not only created the Grand Canyon but also created us and formed us in our mother's womb, and we can view Him as Father because of Jesus's work.

It was always difficult to grasp God as my Father because my father is not a Christian and has not had active part in my life. However, God is faithful, He has become the father that I always wanted and needed. He has never left me nor forsake me. It is encouraging to me that people have come up to me and said that they think that I will make a good father some day. I smile because everywhere there is a void left in my life from my father, God has fulfilled that void and has brought Godly men into my life to help with many of the practical things that a man should know.

Let our conversation continue, let us discus the works of our Lord with others, not just the ones we can see with our eyes but also the great love of our Father!


Unknown said...

I have always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon on the railroad from Williams. Want to go this summer?

I am grateful we have a God as our father.


Coffee Snob said...


Thanks for the reminder that it's not just our own biological fathers, but all the men that God puts in our lives that we should honor this Father's Day. Now excuse me - I have a few phone calls to make to those men!

Coffee Snob